Suitable for Businesses, Organizations, Entrepreneurs, Investor Proposals, Services, Assets;

KapanaPlovdiv Center, Bratya Pulievi Street 3, 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Business Leadership
Focus on Talent
Free Networking
Functional Solutions
Green & Eco
Humanity Approach
Individual Solutions
Industry Innovation
Positive Impact
Quality Communication
Security & Protection
Sustainable Initiatives
Business Partnerships
Foreign Languages
Free Consultation
Free Delivery
Industry 5.0
Interactive service
International Activity
Online service
Quick Communication
Social Responsibility
Strategic Marketing
Web platform
Time Converter
  • Holistic is suitable for: advertising purposes; PR & informational campaigns; business portfolio; presentation of focused content; brand benchmarking, public image & reputation; sales of assets; polls and enquiries; sociological surveys; entering into new markets and reaching new audience; contests and projects; price or quality comparisons; public relations with institutions; search for partners/investors; sale of real estates/businesses; events; quality content published by experts; entrepreneurs, medias, agencies, associations, influencers, other.

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  • Holistic e подходящ за: рекламни цели; PR и информационни кампании; бизнес портфолио; представяне на фокусно съдържание; бранд бенчмаркинг, публичен имидж и репутация; продажба на активи; анкети и запитвания; социологически проучвания; навлизане на нови пазари и достигане до нова аудитория; конкурси и проекти; ценови или качествени сравнения; публична връзка с институции; търсене на партньори/инвеститори; продажба на имоти/бизнеси; събития; публикуване на качествено съдържание от експерти; предприемачи; медии; агенции; асоциации; инфлуенсъри; други;

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